Fool-proof Ways To Avoid Locking Your Keys In Your Car

We have accidentally left our keys in the car at least once in our lives. Maybe you lost your keys or forgot to take them out of the ignition. Vehicle lockouts are very common. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), about 4 million Americans lock their keys in the car.

Unless you have a spare key handy, locking yourself out is a nuisance. 

This is why Allentown Towing Company is here to prevent any possible stress. We have compiled all the effective tips that will save you from car lockouts. Let’s dive in!

Lock the Door From the Outside

The habit of locking your car from the outside will prevent car lockouts in the first place. Before shutting the car door, make sure you have your car keys in your hand or in your pocket. This way, your keys aren’t stuck in the ignition. Once you’re in the habit of locking your doors from the outside, you’re less likely to lock your keys inside. You may also use the key fob to lock the doors after you’ve gotten off your car.

Utilize Your Car’s Key Fob

A lot of modern cars come with a key fob. This small remote device allows you to lock and unlock your vehicle from the outside. With a key fob, there’s no need for an actual key to get into your car. Most key fobs work within a range of 5 to 20 meters. You can use a key fob to lock your vehicle, start the engine remotely, or open the trunk. 

Use Keychains

One of the first rules of driving is to never leave the key in the ignition. This will slowly drain the battery. To avoid lockouts, try using bright-colored keychains. This will prevent you from losing your car keys. Attach the keychains to your wallet, purse, or items that you will bring when you leave your vehicle. 

Wear a Lanyard

Some of us might think that lanyards are tacky and bulky accessories. However, these are very helpful in keeping track of your car keys. Wearing a lanyard will ensure that your keys are within reach when you get out of your vehicle. This will limit the chances of accidentally forgetting your keys and locking yourself outside.

Buy a Spare Key Set

You will never know when you’ll deal with a lockout. It’s always a good option to have spare keys made. We recommend making several copies of your keys and keeping them in different places. Have an emergency spare in your bag or purse. In addition, you may put spare keys at home or hide them in the hitch receiver box or behind the license plate. There are many products specifically for hiding keys on vehicles.

For keys without a fob or RFID chip, you can get a spare key made at a hardware store. But if you have a modern key design, go to your local dealership for the spare key set.

Replace Batteries in the Key Fob

A malfunctioning key fob may also happen to you. A key fob might not be working when you don’t hear a beep sound. In such a situation, the key fob battery might be dead or running low. Simply replace the key fob battery. You can purchase three-volt batteries, which can be found at most auto part stores.

Utilize Subscriptions

Many car manufacturers offer services that allow you to unlock your vehicle remotely through a smartphone app. When you pay an annual subscription, you may use your mobile device as a remote key fob. These mobile apps may also activate the horn and remotely start or stop your vehicle.

Give a Spare Key to a Trusted Friend

If you’re hesitant to hide a spare key in your vehicle, there’s another option for you. Give the spare to your spouse or trusted friend near your area. Make sure it’s someone you trust 100%. This person should be willing to bring you the keys in case of a car lockout.

Got Locked Out of Your Car?

In case of a car lockout or other roadside situations, turn to none other than Allentown Towing Co. We have the right tools to get you back into your car. Do not hesitate to call us because we are here to help!