Things To Know About Private Property Towing

No matter how many signs you post, there will be authorized people who park on your private property. Their vehicles will take up your parking space, which can be frustrating. Good thing, there are solutions to your dilemma. Private property towing will help you when someone parked in your area without consent.

What is Private Property Towing?

Private property towing is the removal of illegally parked vehicles. Whether you own a residential driveway or commercial parking lot, it’s important to understand how to deal with unwanted cars. Before the vehicle gets towed off, you need to follow certain regulations. These rules protect the rights of both car and property owners.

Steps in Removing Illegally Parked Vehicles

  • First, ensure your parking lot has clear “No Parking” signage. If there’s visible signage, the unauthorized car can be removed immediately.
  • Cars with outstanding parking tickets can either be booted or towed.
  • If the owner refuses to move the vehicle, you may call the local authorities regarding the issue. They will come to your location, write a report, and call a tow truck. However, this route may lead to lawsuits and other such things.
  • Lastly, call a towing company that will remove the vehicles in a safe and legal way. You should only work with a licensed and certified company to avoid private property parking disputes. They should have a private property towing operator’s license to perform the job.

Cost of Private Property Towing

The towing fees for impounded cars depend on the location. Towing charges can be anywhere from $100 to $800. Your professional towing company may only charge fees for the time spent providing the services. Typically, they charge the hourly fee for the first hour of towing. Most local laws set a maximum allowable towing fee. 

Aside from the towing costs, there will be additional fees and liability charges. Storage fees are within $10 to $100 per day depending on the local regulations. The vehicle owner may be charged with a vehicle release fee of $90 to $250. The total cost of private property towing is around $100-$2,000 or more. The cost should be shouldered by the registered car owner.

How You Can Avoid Illegal Parking?

If you’re a vehicle owner who is unsure of where you can legally park, here are some important tips to follow:


When parking your car, look for “No Parking” signs. There’s a reason why they exist. These signages inform people that a specific parking space is restricted. If there’s a sign, then your vehicle may be towed without any warning. Avoid the towing and recovery fees by making sure you’re authorized to park in an area.

Parking Violations

The best way to avoid being towed is to obey the parking rules and regulations. Parking in driveways, construction zones, and private lots will lead to violations. When you park in these areas, your car is prone to towing removal. These places are off-limits unless you have permission to park there. Illegal parking results in vehicle tow, damages, and fines.

Furthermore, your vehicle may be booted or towed if you have unpaid parking tickets. Accumulation of parking fines is something that you don’t want to happen.

Safety Regulations

Do not park your vehicle in an unsafe spot. Highways, busy roadsides, and roundabouts are not parking areas. Doing so will compromise the safety of drivers, pedestrians, and your car itself. In a worst-case scenario, your car might get side scratches from moving vehicles. Be a responsible owner and follow parking etiquette.

Do You Need Towing Services?

Whether you need private property towing or roadside assistance, turn to our towing experts! There’s no better team to call than Allentown Towing Company. Our well-trained professionals offer towing services—day or night! Simply call us, and we will arrive at your location quickly!

You can count on us for 24-hour towing, flatbed towing service, light to heavy-duty towing, long-distance haul, and more. Our dedicated team has a large fleet and all the necessary equipment to handle the job. All towed vehicles are protected and transported safely. With our expertise and attention to detail, you can expect nothing but the best from our company. 

To request a free estimate, contact us today. We will take care of your roadside problem for you!