Safety Tips When Driving With Children

In the US, more than 500 children a day or about 183,000 a year sustain injuries due to car accidents. Driving with kids is something that you need to take seriously. As a parent, you have to ensure your children’s safety during the whole ride. You want to avoid car accidents as much as possible.

So, how do you stay proactive and keep your family safe while on the road? Take note of these safe driving practices to protect kids in vehicles.

Schedule a Car Tune-Up

Whenever you’re heading out, make it a habit to inspect your car before you hit the road. Once your family is ready for a road trip adventure, schedule regular maintenance. A basic safety check involves examining the tire pressure, battery, fluid levels, brake, and engine. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you won’t experience breakdowns on the road. 

Practice Defensive Driving

Having a defensive driving mindset will help you stay alert most of the time. We all know that not everyone is a good and responsible driver. Some people even engage in dangerous driving behaviors. These types of drivers can endanger lives including your children’s.

The best way to deal with them is to become a defensive driver. Always think of your passengers’ safety and be aware of your surroundings. 

Buckle Up

While wearing seat belt devices is mandatory, many people do not use them. In fact, 1 in 7 Americans does not wear a seatbelt while driving. The rule of thumb is to buckle up. The seat belt is your best defense against car crashes. In 2016, seat belts saved almost 15,000 lives. 

Being buckled up during a crash helps keep you and your kids safe. This reduces the risk of serious injuries by at least 50%. For small kids, a booster seat can be used for the seat belt to fit correctly. The extra cushion is needed until they are 12 years old.

Use Car Seats

If you have infants and toddlers, investing in car seats is recommended. Car seats are designed to protect your kids while on a vehicle. A child’s body is vulnerable to injuries during car crashes. This is why a well-fitted car seat will help them remain safe.

Make sure to buy a car seat according to your child’s age. The wrong seat size is as bad as nothing. Choose a padded seat with head support and harness straps. Put the car seat in the center seat, which is the safest location in the vehicle.

Watch Your Speed

As a vehicle owner, obeying speed limits and traffic laws is your responsibility. Your actions can improve the safety of the other motorists and passengers. 

Speed limits exist for a reason. They alert drivers to the maximum speed allowed when traveling on a certain roadway. When you limit your speed, you can easily stop your car and the impact during car crashes.

Staying away from aggressive driving will reduce crashes and lessen the severity of injuries sustained by the passengers including kids.

Minimize Distractions

Never use your mobile phones while driving, especially with children. Always take precautions and avoid taking your eyes off the road. Breaking distracted driving habits can be difficult at first. However, it’s better to resist the urge of using your phone, especially when you have kids in the car. 

If you need to check your phone, pull over to the side of the road. You may also put your phone on airplane mode or completely shut it off during the ride. Doing so will prevent putting your family in a dangerous situation.

Never Leave Kids Alone in Cars

The temperature inside a car increases up to 20 degrees in just 10 minutes. No child should ever be left unattended inside a car. They might experience heat stroke after being left there by mistake. Before anything bad happens, always look before you lock the car door and never leave them alone in a car—not even for a minute.

Call for Towing Help

If you are involved in a car accident with kids, Allentown Towing Company can give you immediate assistance. With our towing experts by your side, we can guarantee the safety of your loved ones. Call our hotline today, and we will be there in no time!