Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

No matter how careful you are, car accidents may still happen. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 6 million collisions occur every year. Out of these figures, there are 40,000 casualties and more than 2 million injuries.

These car crashes can be avoided simply by following traffic etiquette and improving your driving habits. As towing experts, we’ve seen our fair share of s, we’ve seen our fair share of accidents and crashes. Let’s discuss the common causes of car accidents, so you can take preventative measures.


Speed limits are not just arbitrary numbers. They are important in ensuring traffic control and safety on the road. When a driver does not follow the speed limit, they will need additional time to stop or turn their vehicle. Higher speed means lesser reaction time. This is why overspeeding increases the risk of car collisions.

In the US, speeding is the second most common cause of road accidents. In fact, around 60% of all fatal crashes happened because drivers went over the speed limit. A lot of tragic accidents could be prevented if drivers refrain from speeding.

When we talk about the dangers of speeding, we often forget about driving too slowly. Driving below the minimum speed is as dangerous as overspeeding. You might block or impede traffic, which can create problems for other drivers. Always remember to follow traffic rules and stay within the posted speed limit.

Driving Under the Influence

Whether it’s alcohol or drugs, driving under the influence often leads to car crashes. Intoxicated drivers put everyone at risk for a collision. For instance, drunk driving leads to an average of 29 deaths per day. 

Alcohol causes drowsiness, reduced concentration, and impaired vision. When you’re driving under the influence, you might feel the urge to drive faster or more recklessly. No matter how sober you think you are, don’t go behind the wheel when you’ve had a drink.

Driver Fatigue

Fatigue and sleepiness usually happen during long journeys. When a driver is too drowsy, they are likely to react to what is happening on the road. This is the reason why many road accidents occur at nighttime hours. A drowsy, sleep-deprived driver is just as dangerous as an intoxicated driver.

If you feel drowsy while driving, pull over immediately to drink a cup of coffee or take a quick nap. These are temporary ways to stay alert, so make sure to get a good night’s sleep before driving. 

Distracted Driving

This is one of the main causes of motor vehicle accidents in the US. Distracted driving is any task or activity that takes your full attention away from driving. Texting, talking on the phone, eating, and chatting are some distractions you might encounter. These things can take away your focus on what’s ahead.

To remain safe, avoid attending to texts or calls while driving. Put your mobile phone in “Do Not Disturb” mode to avoid distractions. If the call is urgent, pull over beside the road and answer the phone. Drivers who use electronic devices may be subject to a distracted driving penalty.

Reckless and Aggressive Driving

Road rage is a common occurrence for most drivers. Any form of anger and aggression can influence how you drive on the road. Aggressive driving can lead to speeding and serious accidents. 

As much as possible, avoid switching lanes too quickly, rude gestures, and similar driving behaviors. Otherwise, you might run into another aggressive driver and endanger other people’s lives.

Road Conditions

Poorly maintained roads also cause fatal auto accidents each year. Road problems like potholes, cracks, and faded road markings can lead to a bumpy ride. If you’re driving on a poor road, always be extra careful. It’s more difficult to handle your car while moving around curves or slippery roadways. 

Get Professional Towing Services in Allentown, PA

If you’re involved in a car accident, have your vehicle towed from the scene. Allentown Towing Company offers reliable towing services and roadside assistance. Our family-owned towing business is here to get you out of a bad situation. Turn to us for emergency towing services when you need them most!

We provide light-duty towing, long-distance towing, property impounds, and more. All our services are affordable and available 24/7. Speak with our staff, and we will answer some of your questions.