Common Towing Risks You Should Know

When you find yourself stuck in the road, calling a towing company is probably the first thing you do. A tow truck can get you out of the sticky situation and move your vehicle to your desired location. However, towing also comes with some unavoidable risks. Just like any other vehicle, tow trucks can be involved in accidents. Damages are greater and more severe since tow trucks are heavier. 

Many factors can contribute to tow truck accidents like machine error and negligence. If you are a careful driver, you can minimize the risks for a safer tow. Knowing the towing risks will help you understand how to avoid them. In this blog, we have rounded up the risks associated with towing that you must steer clear of.

Blind Spots

Since tow trucks are bigger, they often have large blind spots. The common blind spots are directly in front, directly behind, and on both sides of the truck. Many accidents are caused by blind spot errors. To avoid this from happening, modern tow trucks are now equipped with external cameras. These accessories help tow truck drivers maneuver easily and see the location of other vehicles.

Inattentive Tow Drivers

Negligence is one of the worst enemies of drivers on the road. Towing is a dangerous job that requires full attention and focus. If a tired and fatigued person takes the steering wheel, a tow truck accident may happen. Drowsy driving could put many lives in danger. This is why you need to hire a professional tow truck driver who will prioritize everyone’s safety.

Untrained Drivers

Aside from drowsy drivers, poorly trained drivers are one of the causes of truck accidents. Drivers with inadequate training cannot properly navigate roads, which increases the likelihood of dangerous scenarios. Improperly trained drivers have little information about how to operate tow trucks safely.

Driver training programs will help enhance the skills of tow truck operators. At Allentown Towing Co, we ensure that our drivers are skilled and well-prepared to operate our large fleet of vehicles.

Lack of Pre-Towing Inspection

Tow trucks need regular maintenance and inspection to avoid breakdowns on the road. The tires, engine, and other parts should be inspected before the towing process begins. Moreover, towing bars and mechanisms must be maintained to ensure a safe towing experience. Being proactive allows the towing company to act in a timely and effective manner.

Mismatched Equipment

In most cases, the towed vehicles weigh more than the tow truck itself. This is why it’s important to use the right towing equipment. Faulty and mismatched equipment will increase the risks of truck accidents. The trailer brakes and hit coupler should be in good working condition before the towing trip. Using the right towing equipment will prevent the vehicle from swaying side to side.

Accelerating and Speeding

No matter what vehicle you’re driving, you should never overspeed. Speeding while towing could lead you to serious trouble. It’s harder to handle your vehicle at faster speeds due to the additional load. If you go too fast, your vehicle will be more difficult to control. You should also avoid overtaking or passing a vehicle while towing. The trailer’s length is greater than normal because of the towed vehicle.

Not Planning the Route

Drivers who rush on the road are likely to get into accidents. Likewise, not planning the route and alternate route will lead to confusion and inconvenience. Always be patient and give yourself extra time to reach your destination. There’s no need to rush to reach your destination.

Excessive Towing Weights

Not all tow trucks have the same weight capacities. Before the trip, tow truck drivers must know their truck’s weight limits for safety purposes. This is done to balance the tow load and avoid exceeding the limit. Unbalanced trailer loads are dangerous on the road. If you overload the rear of the tow truck, this will increase your risk of accidents and damage the vehicle itself.

We Provide Urgent Care for Your Vehicle

Allentown Towing Company is committed to offering towing services, from lightweight towing to 24/7 service. Our experienced staff will provide you with on-call roadside assistance anytime, anywhere. Our goal is to deliver high-quality and satisfactory towing services. We are always here to ensure your safety and peace of mind. Feel free to reach out to us today to learn more about us!